Be attentive to your mental, emotional & physical health

And the possibilities for change.
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Are you looking to change your life, for the better?

Counselling & Psychotherapy

Helping people create healthy relationships and wellbeing in all aspects of life

Are there some relationships that always seem to challenge you? Are there some situations that also seem to challenge or elude you? With counselling and/or psychotherapy we can all be helped to create healthy relationships and wellbeing in all aspects of life.

Qualified Specialist

Heather is a well-qualified, professional, counsellor. You will always be protected by her adherence to the ethics and practices of her professional organizations.

The Importance of You

In sessions with Heather, you are the important one – your life journey, your feelings, your experience. Be heard, be valued.


Heather really does provide a non-judgemental space for you to talk about yourself – your experiences, fears, sadness, frustration, anger, etc.

Convenient Location

Situated in Glen Iris, the centre of the Melbourne metropolitan area, close to the Monash freeway and trams and trains, with free on-street parking nearby.


Transitions can be the most difficult times – our children transitioning to school, from primary to secondary, from secondary to tertiary or other workplace preparations, changing jobs, changing marital status, end of life issues, and the many other transitions of life. At all these times of transition we need to process what is happening. Perhaps we will be grieving for the past with elements of relief or celebration, we may be anticipating the future or feeling concern for the future, and so on.

In the past we would talk to our religious leader or family doctor, people who had the time to listen to us. These days those roles are very much less available to us, but that doesn’t mean that as humans our concerns for our life events has changed – they are the same. It’s just that there’s less of a place to process things. Counselling provides that space and a good counsellor will also have the knowledge to help you through.

Loss & Grief

Loss and grief lie behind many experiences of our lives. There are small losses and large or major losses. People and pets die, our upbringing or other events are not as we may wish, things change, we lose things – family members, friends, etc. Where does the grief go if we do not allow ourselves to grieve deeply or process those losses?

Grief and loss underlie addictions. What are we trying to cover up by giving way to our additions?

Brené Brown, research professor, whose study over two decades has covered courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy said, “Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame.” In counselling we can work towards discovering that creativity and working through the emotions that have metastasized.

Creating a Future Worth Having

Are you happy with the current narrative of your life? Changing our narrative requires understanding of the present story so that we can make changes. Our lives are complex, there are many parts to all our lives.

Brené Brown (again) said “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”

Heather always feel honoured to share peoples’ past experiences which have led them to where they are today, and helping people create a new future.

Counsellor Supervision

As you can read later, Heather is passionate about people feeling supported and growing through good supervision. As members of professional organizations we need to have 10 hours of supervision annually. Are you giving your clients the best you can?

Heather runs a monthly group supervision session on a Sunday morning as well as individual supervision.

Take the first step, ask for help.

Call Heather today
0421 908 424